The Beginning of Deflationary Depression

Why are commodity prices, including oil prices, lagging? Ultimately, the question comes back to, “Why isn’t the world economy making very many of the end products that use these commodities?” If workers were getting rich enough to buy new homes and cars, demand for these products would be raising the prices Read More

The Stock Markets Are Rigged

Here is a firm that mediates disputes over criminal theft of personal, business and municipal investments, by banksters at our Too Big To Fail Banks. First-Class Business Done In a First-Class Way Tavakoli Structured Finance® (TSF) founded in 2003, is the leading independent risk consulting and expert witness services firm for derivatives, Read More

Jim Rickards Economic Warnings

Here is Jim Rickards Economic Warnings on his lengthy website Monday Morning.  He has wisely promoted non-US and non-dollar investments for a decade.  Jim Rickard’s numbers are lets not quibble about the inevitable fate of this empire. Many in the U.S. Intelligence Community fear a 25-year Great Depression is Read More

Fort Collins Food Co-op

The Fort Collins Food Co-Operative is your naturally local grocer’s market. The Coop seeks to serve all those in our community who want to support their local circle of profit through buying locally sourced grocery items. Anyone can shop at the Coop, the member-owner structure simply exists to reinforce a Read More

Homelessness in America Is Not A Crime

Sleeping on the Streets: DOJ Challenges the Constitutionality of Anti-Homelessness Ordinances by Nomad Otherwise ignored by mainstream media, the Washington Post picked up an interesting news article the other day regarding homelessness and a DOJ challenge the local ordinances against vagancy. To Be Without a Home, Like a Complete Unknown Boise, like Read More

Food Cooperative Explained

“What is a New Generation Cooperative?” first appeared in Innovations, Nov./Dec. 2001, newletter of the Ag Innovation Center, Jefferson, MO 65102 As our Cheyenne food cooperative is forming, members wanted to know the legal and social contract the organizes our Cakebread Coop.  This is from the UC Davis website. What Read More

Reclaiming Our Food – Review

Reclaiming Our Food by Author: Tanya Denckla Cobb This practical handbook will empower and inspire community activists and planners, schools, small farmers, and everyone who wants to increase their community’s access to food that doesn’t arrive on a train, plane, or cargo ship. Reclaiming Our Food tells the stories of more Read More