America is done
Chris Hedges and the end of the American Empire
A Real Local Resource, Network, Database, Co-op in Cheyenne, Wyoming for Everyone wanting to learn about our city, region, culture, industries and local events.
Chris Hedges and the end of the American Empire
We live in a corporate surveillance state, and what it means is discussed here.
Best summary of Ron Paul’s forecast for the U.S.
Denver example of a cooperative with a food store coming soon.
tragic choice for Greece
Aussie explains his food cooperative
Introduction to food cooperative video
Welcome to WordPress. I am Charlie Kay your host of this digital ranch in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It is now autumn, 2015…the last American Empire year. This is a resource, database, medium of exchange and sharing site for members of the Cakebread Cooperative. You have not heard of Read More
Cleveland has an example of urban cooperative alternative to predatory corporations selling out then abandoning their employees, cities and government investments.
When the construction industry collapsed in Spain, the Mondragon cooperative division resisted, then dissolved, but preserved member’s jobs. Read how sustainable jobs are created by cooperatives…instead of factory shutdowns and abandonment by US corporate interests, here. What About Cooperatives as a Solution? The Case of Mondragon by VINCENT NAVARRO Mondragon Read More